How Cats Became Domesticated
thousands of years, the wild cat first began to lag behind on the
outskirts of the human field, and perhaps to eat mice living in people's
barns. Now, thousands of millions of pets at home cats and countless videos
later, the researchers revealed the genetic roots of the special
relationship between humans and cats.

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Genetic changes that make cats hug humans and rejoice, a new study shows. The study co-author Wesley Warren, of genetics at the Institute of Genomics at the University of Washington's St. John's Medical College, said many changes have changed the cat's motivation for rewards and changed their fear of new situations.
The team also discovered genetic changes that make cats look like night hunters and why their noses are not as sensitive as their cousins dogs. [Here's Kitty Kitty: 10 facts about cat lovers]
Local secret
Some studies suggest that domesticated cats were first introduced about 9,000 years ago in the Near East, while others followed the cat to China about 5,000 years ago.
But although the relationship between you and Gengersenb may seem quite natural, domestication is a severe scarcity in the animal world. Humans have only a few domesticated animals - such as dog, cow, chicken, sheep and goat - and scientists do not know what genes participated in the process of domestication.
Then in the 50s, scientists on the skin farm in Novosibirsk, Russia, foxes began fertile for their friendship to humans. In a few generations, foxes moved the tail and scanned the faces of human beings lovingly. Along the way, foxes put floppy ears. Coats are light and sparse. And curly tails - qualities found in other domesticated animals such as dogs, pigs and sheep.
Fox Studio, which still occurs today, has hinted that some behavioral domestication genes have been associated with those loose curly and ear tail genes. A study published earlier this year in the journal Genetics found that domesticated animals have changes in the top of the neuron, a group of embryonic cells that direct the development of various body organs.
But without advanced genetic analysis, it was difficult to separate exactly what genes responsible for domestication.
Big Cat, Little Cat
In 2007, the genome sequencing scientists named Abyssinian cat named Cinnamon (who has since died). But this analysis was not complete, so scientists can not say much about the genes behind the domestication.
Warren and his colleagues made the second cinnamon sequence of the genome, along with the genetic factors of many other domestic cats and two types of randomized, and compared it with the genetic group of the tiger, dog and many other animals. [Animal Code: Our favorite Jinom map]
Warren said in domestic cats, gene-related motivation and fear faced a strong evolutionary pressure on history, bringing cats to be less timid and more driven by rewards.
Compared with domestic dogs and cats and their wild cousins, such as tigers, they had several copies of more receptor genes to detect pheromones, or sex hormones. Warren said this could help partners find solitary creatures.
Dogs, on the other hand, are much more replicated than olfactory receptor genes, which may explain an incredible sense of smell. The genes for night vision cats and acute hearing were also under strong selection in large cats and cats at home. Warren said those areas of the genome may explain why cats are so adept hunters.
Origin of cats
The results help to support some of the biological changes associated with domestication in cats.
"This study is significant, especially in determining changes in the genome that have led to domestication or, more correctly, adapting the ancestors of domestic cats to allow connectivity with humans and to obtain protection from large predators (rodents)," said Niels Pedersen, Who did not participate in the study, in an e-mail. "
Dominic Wright said in genetics from the University of Linkoping in Sweden, who also participated in the study article provides a starting point for analysis in larger cats details.
"It would be great to take some of these areas that set out and go further with them," Wright said
Cats Club
يونيو 17, 2017