More 8 Behavioral Problems in Cats
Avoiding the Litter Box
Is your cat boycotting the litter box? Often, it’s because she doesn't like the litter or just doesn’t like the box.

Your best bet? Use unscented litter in an uncovered box, and scoop it at least once a day. Put the box where there’s not a lot of traffic. Try using more than one box and try different litters.
Urine Marking or Spraying
Cats can use their urine to say "back off" to other cats. They tend to do it when they're in conflict with another cat, feeling insecure,

or looking for a mate. If there’s conflict, many cats in the house, or changes in routine, there’s more chance a cat will mark his territory. To stop the spraying, have your cat neutered or spayed. Use an enzymatic cleaner where he's sprayed. If your cat keeps spraying, ask your vet for advice.
Cats like to scratch. They do it to play, stretch, sharpen their claws, and mark their territory. That's bad news for your furniture, carpets,

and drapes. Put different types of scratching posts all over your house. Make sure they are sturdy so they won’t fall over when your cat starts scratching. Then invite your cat to play by rubbing them with catnip or hanging toys on them.
Playing Rough
When cats play, sometimes it's hard to tell if it's a game or real. They pounce, swat, scratch, and bite. And, play scratches and bites still hurt. To channel your cat’s energy,

use toys like balls or a fake mouse for batting. A paper bag can give her hours of pouncing fun. And to protect yourself, never encourage a kitten to play with your hands or feet. Nips become bites as a cat grows up.
Compulsive Behavior
Sometimes your cat just can't help himself from doing something over and over again. It could be totally normal. In some cases,

though, it can be a sign of a problem. If you're concerned, ask your vet. Also, give your cat fun, relaxing diversions, like structures to climb on or a fish tank to watch.
Hyper Nights
Cats like to have fun -- often in the middle of the night. Plan ahead if you know your cat gets revved up or hungry when you'd rather be sleeping. Play with him in the evening until he gets tired. Feed him just before bed.

Or, try a timed feeder that gives out food later so he doesn’t need to wake you. And, unless you think he’s hurt, don't get up. Otherwise, you'll be teaching your cat to keep doing it.
Lots of Meowing
Grown cats don’t meow at each other. Meowing is mostly for people. Cats meow to say hello, ask for food,

or get attention. If she meows for food, don’t feed her when she cries. If she meows for attention, give it when she’s quiet. If your cat meows a lot and you can't figure out why, or if she seems distressed, ask your vet.
Separation Anxiety
Cats are very social. They like it when you're around. When left alone, they might get noisy or spray your house.

Try ignoring your cat 15 minutes before you leave and when you get back. Leave out some of his favorite toys and put them away when you come back. Play with him regularly to burn extra energy so he'll rest when he's alone. If you still need more help, talk to your vet about other tactics or medication.