New Pet Therapy Guidelines: No Cats in Hospitals
Visit from the Frui companion to reassure patients in the hospital,
but recommend new guidelines that only dogs - allowed in hospitals for
pet treatment programs - not cats.

The guidelines for the American Epidemiology Association (CHIA), are designed to reduce the potential risks of having animals in hospital headquarters.
In recent years, it has become more common for hospitals to permit the existence of animals, such as animal therapy, trained animal husbandry and personal research. However, little is known about the risks that animals in hospitals can pose in terms of disease transmission to people, and hospital policies once for animals vary widely among institutions, says Shea.
"While there may be benefits to care for patients, the role of animals in the spread of bacteria is not well understood." David Weber, author of the recommendations, said we have developed a standard of infection prevention and control guidance to help protect patients and health care providers, "the statement said.
To develop the new guidelines, a panel of experts reviewed data from animal studies in health care facilities, as well as existing hospital policies and surveyed more than 300 Shea members.
For pet treatment, guidelines recommend that only dogs that are at least 1 year old are used. "Cats should be excluded," guidelines continue, "because they can be trained to provide reliable interactions with patients in safe health care facilities." Moreover, people are more susceptible to the allergies of cats than dogs, and cats may pose a greater risk of bites and scratches compared to trained dogs, says the recommendations.
The guidelines also say that dogs used in pet therapy programs must undergo formal training and evaluate their behavior in health care facilities before allowing them to visit. Dog trainers must also be formally trained. Hospitals should consider the use of animals that have been certified by training pet treatment organizations in accordance with the guidelines.
Pet treatment should also be evaluated by a veterinarian once a year and must be vaccinated against rabies. Before entering the hospital should be combed for loose hair removal and loper as possible, and should avoid contact with invasive devices (such as catheters) and bandages or body parts with damaged skin, say guidelines. In addition, patients should not eat or drink while playing with animals, and anyone who touches animals must wash their hands before and after. [7 Amazing Health Benefits of Dog Ownership]
In general, hospitals must prohibit personal pets for their patients visiting the facility, says the guidelines. Personal pets usually do not have the same formal training as treatment animals, and it can be difficult to prevent patients from finding the owner of the pets you are visiting.
But there may be exceptions if doctors decide that the visit will benefit the patient's pets, and can occur with limited specific risks and other patients, says the guidelines. Doctors may consider visiting a pet in the case of a terminally ill patient, a patient who has been hospitalized for a long time or patients who have close relationships with their pets.
The guidelines say as with treatment animals, once pets are limited to dogs. Do not allow pets to visit patients in isolation, patients in intensive care unit (UCU) or those who have undergone organ transplants recently.
There have been very few studies on whether an animal can spread disease hospitals. But a 2006 study of 100 dogs in hospitals in Ontario found that about 80 percent of these animals carry potential harmful bacteria, including clostridium and salmonella. However, the study did not examine whether animals may transmit diseases to patients, and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Disease Prevention did not receive a report of infection related to pet therapy, according to the Mayo Clinic clinic.
Due to the lack of information about the dangers of pets in hospitals and nou
Cats Club
يونيو 17, 2017