What best food you put for your cat
We spent a lot of time talking about the best way to feed the cats here, but I do not think we've ever mentioned what to put that food on. Last week, TheOldBroad mentioned that she had a couple of cats with skin problems related to eating in plastic food bowls. While this is not a common problem, it is certainly worth mentioning.

Allergies to plastic products have been documented in the scientific literature. I was looking for specific research from veterinarians when I came across this gem from the human side of things that I can not resist sharing:
Allergic contact dermatitis to several components of toilet seats is being recognized and reported more frequently. This report details the case of a girl who turned out to be allergic to plastic found in both a toilet seat and a school chair. Highlight the particular problems with the patch for young children and the difficulty in confirming the allergy to plastics.
Persistent allergic contact dermatitis to plastic toilet seats. Heilig S, Adams DR, Zaenglein AL. Pediatr Dermatol. 2011 Sep-Oct; 28 (5): 587-90. Epub 2011 April 26.
So although I could not find any scientific evidence to support the existence of plastic allergies in cats, it is logical to think that if the disease exists in people, it could also be a problem for animals.
The condition that is most often cited as caused by eating or drinking from a plastic container is called chin acne or feline acne. It is characterized by solid or pus-filled protrusions that mainly affect the chin region. Lesions may be related to allergy, but contact with plastic is not the only (or even the most frequent) underlying trigger. However, since changing the types of bowls is much simpler than diagnosing or controlling other types of allergies, it certainly makes sense to try a bowl change first.
Allergies to stainless steel have also been described (mainly in certain breeds of dogs, but why risk a potentially allergic cat?), Which leaves pottery or other types of resistant glassware as your best option. Whatever bowls you end up using, be sure to clean them thoroughly and regularly (daily is optimal). Baba laden bacteria that can form at the bottom of food bowls when ignored for too long is another possible trigger of chin acne.
If changing the cups of food and water and keeping them impeccably clean does not resolve the lesions, try cleaning the affected skin once or twice a day with benzoyl peroxide wipes that are used in the treatment of human acne. This is often all that is needed to resolve and prevent the recurrence of mild chin cases. A more aggressive treatment is needed when the area has itching, pain, swelling, swelling and / or drainage of pus or blood. A veterinarian can prescribe antibiotics, corticosteroids and other treatments that may be necessary to control the condition and recommend management techniques and / or maintenance therapy to prevent their return.