Learn this to keep your cat feeding
If your cat is fussy or a little fat, he will probably let you know how he feels with what you put on his plate.
"Cats are very dogmatic about food, and many of their food preferences are formed in the first year," says Julie A. Churchill, DVM, PhD, associate professor of nutrition at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota at St. Paul. So, if your cat is a kitten, now is
the time to get used to different types of food: wet, dry and semi-dry

But even if your pet is older, there are still ways to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need to be healthy. Start by learning more about what you are buying and what your cat need
Choose balanced foods
All cat owners must know how to read a cat food label, says Richard Hill, PhD, associate professor in the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Florida at Gainesville
"With so much publicity, people tend to focus on ingredients, but nutrients are more important, namely, proteins and fats," he says
It's fashionable to defeat grains and carbohydrates in pet food, but those are not necessarily bad, Churchill says. In addition, food made only of proteins and fats becomes expensive. "Carbohydrates can be valuable in keeping food dry together and making food more affordable, and many cats like that crisis, while carbohydrates are in an amount that cats can handle, that's fine."
How do you know if your cat's food is balanced? Look for a statement from the Association of American Food Control Officers (AAFCO) in the package
"It will say that the food is complete and balanced, either through a feeding test or because the recipe meets the nutritional requirements of cats," says Hill. If the food has this distinction, there is no need to give your cat additional vitamins or supplements: the food has everything you need
How much, how often?
Most cats eat their main meals at dawn and dusk, when they would normally be hunting and trapping their prey in the wild, so these are usually the best times to feed them
The amount your kitten should get in her bowl depends on her age, size and how active she is, but the average is about 200 calories per day. It is a good idea to ask your veterinary team to help you calculate your cat's needs. Pay special attention to the amount of calories in all the meals you give your cat, says Churchill. "The calorie count can vary significantly from one food to another."
Cats will also chew during the day if you leave the food uncooked, but keep in mind that they are not good judges of how much they should eat
"Overfeeding is an epidemic," says Churchill. When cats gain too much weight, they can have problems such as joint diseases, heart disease and diabetes
Veterinarians say it is better to feed the cats at specific meal times, and store the food at any other time
If your cat is more chowhound than finicky feline, it might be more useful to switch to a lower-calorie food instead of reducing the amount, Hill says. "The problem of restricting food is that it can lead to cats."
What about the goodies? It's okay to distribute them from time to time, but do not overdo it. They should not be more than 5% to 10% of your cat's daily calories
Vegetarian cats? Homemade food
Vegetarian or vegan diets may be a healthy option for you, but they are a bad idea for your cat. Unlike dogs and humans, cats need vitamins, minerals and specific proteins that only come from meat
But not raw meat. That may be part of the life of big cats in the wild, but it's not natural for domestic cats, Hill says. "In the wild, they eat all the animal or bird they catch, not just the meat, but the meat alone will be deficient in vitamins, minerals and amino acids."
In addition, bacteria in raw meat, such as salmonella and E. coli, can make your cat (and you) very sick
How about making your own cat food at home? Churchill says that if you decide to follow this route, you should not do it alone. "I strongly recommend that you get a veterinary nutritionist to help you, cats weigh only between 8 and 10 pounds, and changing an ingredient can change the entire nutritional value of the diet."
In general, most experts say that commercial cat food is the way to go
"The beauty of commercial food is that it is formulated specifically for cats, so it is complete and balanced and meets your needs, and you do not have to worry about it