الثلاثاء، 13 يونيو 2017

Shironeko Is The Happiest And Sleepiest Cat Ever 2018

Cats are legendary for their chronic laziness, but even among these eponym "cat-nappers" there must be a king of kings, and his name is Shironeko.

Shironeko, whose name means "white cat" in Japanese, is known as the "Zen Master Cat" for its ability to be absolutely happy and possibly a little bit of 24/7 sleep. He is therefore at peace with the world and so happy to leave the things he constantly puts with his stupid owner who constantly balances things on his head or gives strange to wearing hats. [Read more ...]

The Zen Master is a regular favorite on the pillars of the cat cult as I Can Has Cheezburger. Its owner regularly publishes video updates on your Youtube channel, which is worth the detour because they are adorable and absurd. In these videos, Shironeko shares the scene with other pretty lazy cats with life.