Pet lover may make you sick
ToxoplasmaCats are the most important guests of parasites called toxoplasma. The CDC can be infected with this parasite by contact with cat feces, which may occur when cleaning a litter box. Most people infected with parasite do not show any symptoms. The CDC said however that in severe cases, the parasite can cause damage to the brain, eyes and other organs. They are more likely in people with immune
impairment, such as those
who take drugs to suppress their immune system have severe infections.

can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, and a
small percentage of children are affected by eye damage or severe brain
hemorrhage at birth. For this reason, the CDC recommends that pregnant women avoid changing cat litter.Some
studies have linked toxoplasmosis to toxoplasmosis in the development
of schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations. However,
a recent study found that having a cat in childhood does not increase
the risk of experiencing psychotic symptoms later in life.

Cat scratch diseaseAbout
40% of cats carry a type of bacteria called antonella peptonella at
some point in their lives, and these bacteria infection in people causes
"zero cat disease". You can get sick if they are scratched or bitten by a cat, or a cat licks an open wound on one person. Symptoms
of this disease include infection at the site of the wound, fever,
headache, loss of appetite, fatigue and swelling of the lymph nodes,
according to CDC. In rare cases, the disease can affect the brain, eyes, heart or other organs.To prevent infection, people should wash the bites of cats and scratch immediately with soap and running water. People
with a weakened immune system should avoid adopting cats that have less
than one year of age, because young cats are more likely to tolerate
antonella henselae, says the CDC.
Cats Club
يونيو 17, 2017